Your trusted partner for high-quality African food products!

With Afrifresh, you always get:

✔️ Affordable Wholesale Pricing
✔️ 2 days delivery
✔️ Product Quality Guaranteed
✔️ Payment Upon Delivery
✔️ Pay in Installments

Our business is designed to serve you!

We take the headache out of inventory management

When you partner with Afrifresh, you get a world class supply chain partner that takes the headache out of inventory management.

Why choose Afrifresh

Top Quality Products

We source all products ethically from local farmers and trusted suppliers.

2 Day Delivery

Our local Maryland warehouse delivers within two days.

Efficient Delivery

Our ordering platform ensures accurate, on-time deliveries at affordable rates.

Affordable Wholesale Pricing

Competitive wholesale pricing on every order.

Excellent Customer Service

Dedicated specialists available via phone, WhatsApp, or email, with direct access to management.

Satisfaction Guarantee

If you're not satisfied with your product, let us know, and we'll promptly resolve any issues.

Payment Upon Delivery

Pay for your order when it arrives.

Pay in Installments

Flexible installment payment options available.